Thursday, December 18, 2008

very hard workers

max and z have a newfound passion they developed at school: they adore 'WORK' and ask for 'lessons' all the time. raking leaves is a favorite activity.

max is especially diligent. he can work ceaselessly until everything is cleaned up.

Zadie's favorite thing is to 'do the dishes'... every night :)

accessorized while watching a winnie the pooh movie (she is roo)

helping daddy is the best fun...

some of zadie's recent artwork - she has a dazzling sense of color.

and i really like the depth of her pieces.

max is making some very interesting structures. here's his most recent 'garage'.



Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing the pics, they are lovely! Such cute little helpers :)

Zee's artwork is very impressive indeed. And Max's garage is... hmmm... very futuristic ;)

Sarah said...

great new pictures. love them all!

miss you.

Lizzy said...

I love all these pictures- and Zadie's artwork is really very cool stuff, I love the colors. Tell the kids that they can come to aunt Izzie's any time in the fall and have plenty of "work". There's lots of leaves to pick up, that's for sure.

Really like the kitchen set up and Zadie's Chicken Salad Soup sounds absolutely nauseatingly scrumptious. Mayonnaise really hits the spot when its at a boiling temperature.