Thursday, December 25, 2008

presents & a snowstorm

more tracks for our train set and a drawbridge & crane!

Zadie says that the kitchen is great for making her special "chicken salad soup"...sounds delish!

Max likes to bake pizza

We've got 14" of snow - it has snowed every day for 2 weeks now!

get ready

comin' at ya

smashed with a snowball

when she actually sleeps she really IS an angel

new haircut

check out how short his hair is now!

who is the budding architect?


Thursday, December 18, 2008

very hard workers

max and z have a newfound passion they developed at school: they adore 'WORK' and ask for 'lessons' all the time. raking leaves is a favorite activity.

max is especially diligent. he can work ceaselessly until everything is cleaned up.

Zadie's favorite thing is to 'do the dishes'... every night :)

accessorized while watching a winnie the pooh movie (she is roo)

helping daddy is the best fun...

some of zadie's recent artwork - she has a dazzling sense of color.

and i really like the depth of her pieces.

max is making some very interesting structures. here's his most recent 'garage'.


Saturday, November 08, 2008

max's first haircut & halloween

one week alone he was told 5 times that he was 'such a pretty girl'...
max realllly needed a haircut

3 years old and he never even had it trimmmed

kind of unsure about the process

but he really ended up enjoying it and now wants it cut shorter next time.

halloween: max wanted to be a big fat pumpkin and zadie wanted to be...a princess, a ghost, a piece of broccoli, a rainbow and eventually settled on ' a pink pumpkin with purple polka-dots and a cat face'

max loved being able to bounce off of walls and roll on top of his sister

z liked being pink

our pumpkins

our neighbor stephen was jerry lewis' nutty professor

Ania (a very good mummy) and michael joined us and collected lots of chocolates

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

a beautiful fall day at the pumpkin patch

a day at the pumpkin patch with our best friends: eden and cedar! (we all met at the hospital before the kids were born).

last long hair pics


zadie's best picture yet: a funny witch