Thursday, December 13, 2007

NO Momma...i don't like bob dylan!


max has become a very creative artist

every night we do what seems like 100 laps before going up to bed

Those of you who don't know zadie very well think of her as a totally sweet angel of a child who couldn't possibly do anything unpleasant ...unfortunately we have the privilege of knowing the other side of zadie...she's very 2 years old and reserves her 'best behavior' just for us, at home. Apparently she doesn't like Bob Dylan.


Anna said...

ohhh.. poor Z doesn't like Bob Dyland... I feel so sorry for her :)

And of course there always has to be Miles. :)

See you soon!



Lizzy said...

Frankly Zadie, I don't like Bob Dylan either.

Come live with me and you can have control of the stereo. You don't need no stinking folk music for your sensitive ears.

Love Auntie Liz & Zoe