Thursday, February 09, 2006

Here comes trouble

Max has grown out of most of his comfy clothes (the kind you want to wear 24 hrs a day) so Dad went out and bought him this leisure suit, it says "here comes trouble". Max likes to make us all laugh - he's really starting to use his eyebrows a lot and Z always thinks that he is funny.

A rare shot of the photographer with her kiddlins.

We just moved the kids into separate cribs, I think that they miss each other, but Max at least is getting more sleep. They now share a crib for mobile watching and special breakfasts in bed on Sunday mornings.

Z in her space ship jumper.

Zadie is a sensitive child. She seems to take in a lot during the day and the only way she is able to fall asleep is if she can block out all her senses. We have black out shades on the windows and use a white noise machine, but this isn't enough for her. Lately we've been finding her in an odd state, she won't fall asleep unless she can pull a cloth diaper over her face, like a shroud.

We've tried removing it, but she really wants something over her face: a stuffed animal, her blanket or a piece of cloth. If she doesn't have it she screams and flings her head from side to side and waves her arms in the air...we figure that the diaper is at least more breathable than her blanket. Once it's in place she grabs at the edges and shrieks, kicking her legs till she falls asleep. Later, after she's asleep, we remove it; but sometimes in the morning it's covering her face again. We all think that she is a bit strange.

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