Friday, August 22, 2008

martha's vineyard & lake winnipesaukee

max watching the big planes take off

getting ready for the 4th of july parade ...everyone wears 'just undies' for that parade, right?

max, pretty much being max

we're off to lake winnipesaukie

hiking between our houses on six mile island

there was lots of naked time on this island

even naked blueberry picking!

evan, is this one ready yet?

the cousins taught us how to fish with a stick and a line

max's first fish!

i caught it! i caught a fish!

riding the old train

such a big kid with pockets and everything!

he loved trying out his new trick on every stationary object: peeing standing up

and he's a really exuberant harmonica player too!

kina & z

iris & z

evan & z

sam & max

he actually has good technique!

yet another blueberry

everyone painted their toenails pink

the whole gang - what a great vacation, thank you!!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

busy, busy spring & summer!

Mimi and poppa's visit to portland

While making a cake with mimi, Z wanted to 'just taste some of it' - and yes, after licking a strawberry she did indeed put it on the cake!

Our annual father's day strawberry picking expedition.

Happy daddy's day!

Max didn't get a single strawberry into the bucket, every one went directly in his mouth.

Max loves riding tractors...

and airplanes too!

Zadie likes to adorn her dolls. I found this one to be rather punk (ok... I added the safety pin, but she did everything else).

Zadie Rose Niedergang

having a great time in the tent with poppa! (click on it to make it bigger -it's very cute!)

working on the farm on martha's vineyard

Max is a very enthusiastic farmer.

A truly "perfect moment" - sailing in poppa's boat with Captain Charlie at the helm (or is that max?) It was magical...really.

Sarah's last weeks in the US, she seemed to have a wonderful time - bye bye Sarah, we miss you!

As Captain Charlie says: "Get the feeling of heeling"!

looking quite stylish
