Sunday, September 24, 2006

more movies

more movies:

Thursday, September 21, 2006

more pictures of eating sand

they look so happy with themselves

the proud little sand eater

Z loves her tools

nice butt!

Z and Grandpa

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


happy birthday Z & M!


Saturday, September 16, 2006

outdated little video links

click on these links to see little snippets of the kids in action (sometimes the download can take a few minutes or even get stuck - sorry if it doesn't work the first time): ZADIE'S FIRST STEPS! Riding the fire truck: we LOVE balloons:

eating sand

the vineyard sand was even more delicious than we had ever imagined

here are some hot bods

Look! Sharon came to visit and she's teaching the kids to surf :)

Max decided to use her camera as a percussion instrument ...Sharon - were you able to get it fixed yet?... (be sure send us the bill)

Z loved standing in the toy bucket...she looks like one tough little cookie, don't mess with her.


Tuesday, September 05, 2006

a month on Martha's Vineyard

bathing on the deck in a plastic bucket

our first experience with crayons

we loved to ride and push eachother on the firetruck

a favorite hangout was the antique pig pen

Monday, September 04, 2006

fun with with the family

Ania with Rae, Sam, Miriam and the kiddos

Wachsler family and friends


Friday, September 01, 2006

east coast

Ania and Z in Connecticut

Max enjoyed pulling and eating the grass

we held an early 1st birthday party so grandma and grandpa could help us celebrate.

WOW... and while we were here Zadie learned to walk!

Max learned to climb stairs very quickly

running away from an adult, he's a slippery little guy!

another beautiful sunset on martha's vineyard