Thursday, December 29, 2005


Who'd a thunk it? Doug and Paul as Dads at the age of 49?


Uncle Mark's visit

Paul's brother, Mark, made a special trip out to see the newest additions to the Niedergang 'gang'. He was a great help and even spent a night on the couch making midnight runs to the nursery so that Paul and Annie could get a full night's sleep.

Zadie thought that he was cool!


Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Zadie the clown

A very large binkie for a very little girl.


Yes, Max is getting bigger

notice any resemblance?


Thursday, December 22, 2005

Our other project that has been keeping us very busy

To see the other project that has been taking so much of our time over the last these links: and

Monday, December 19, 2005

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Sunday Morning


The quilts our neighbors made for us

We live on a really great street. Whenever someone is pregnant, Helen, our street 'mom', always organizes the neighbors to make a handmade quilt. Each neighbor makes a square and Helen sews them all together. In the last 4 years our little street has gone from 1 child to 14...we've all been very busy making quilts!

The schoolboard just closed our wonderful and small neighborhood school because apparently there aren't enough one has thought to look at the recent births.


Tuesday, December 13, 2005

The Hats from Big Anne

Hats from Big Anne (Annie's English Au pair when she was a little girl). The hats are great!



Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Home on a weekend

Dad and the kids on a wild Friday night

Why does that lady keep taking pictures of us?

Zadie on the bear skin rug

Angela the Au Pair and Max


Zadie's Alphabet Onsie

Zadie is wearing the beautiful alphabet onsie that Rae and Miriam made for her...
A is for apple
B is for book
C is for creature
D is for dog
M is for Max
Z is for Zadie

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

max's overalls

Max in his first pair of overalls.

Zadie is having fun in her onsie.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

The Itty Bitty Ones

Zadie's birdlike feet and the tiny ball of Max.

Zadie always the clown in a wonderful knit hat by Ann Costello

Max obviously likes his hat too! Zadie decides to join in on the fun.

Never one to miss dinner, Max always joins us.

Airing out a little butt.

Twins special moment.

Zadie's Hat

Happy mom

Zadie loves Max

Everything is going well

Zadie's Hat

Bathtime is fun

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Aunt Liz came to visit

Aunt Liz came to visit and she was really fun... She jumped on in and changed diapers, prepared bottles and even took the kids on tours of the garden so that they could smell the different herbs & flowers!

She keeps on saying that she wants to take a baby home with her, she just can't decide which one...

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Max's big day (the bris)

Grandma Jane with Max.

Grandpa Bob with Zadie.

We spent a lot of time just staring in wonder at what we had created.

Max's Big Day...the bris. Dr. Veltman performed the 'snip', Grandma's job was to dip her finger in wine and let Max suck on it, Grandpa held Max's hand, and Nick Sencer held Max steady while the deed was done. We were all amazed that Max didn't even cry....his mom cried enough for both of them.

Grandpa holding Max during the naming ceremony.